Marrickville Intensive English Centre-MIEC

Marrickville High School

Telephone02 9550 0251

Marrickville Youth Resource Centre

Marrickville Intensive English Centre (MIEC) has many links with Marrickville Youth Resource Centre (MYRC), which is situated right opposite to the school.

Marrickville Youth Resource Centre works closely with our MIEC by hosting students over at the Youth Centre and offering them courses and activities within the school day or after school hours.

MYRC offers also holiday activities for our students during the school breaks.

For more information about the MYRC, please visit the Marrickville Youth Resource Centre website or contact them on their international phone number and Fax number which can be seen below:

Tel:   (+61 2) 9564 3222

Fax:   (+61 2) 9568 3008