Marrickville Intensive English Centre is situated within Marrickville High School and maintains close links with the high school through successful transition programs, common school development days for staff, Student Representative Council (SRC) common initiatives and common assemblies and athletics days.
Marrickville High School is a dynamic and creative co-educational high school that caters for all students, irrespective of abilities, talents and cultural/language backgrounds.
It has a strong English as a Second Language Program and International Students' Program which cater for our students who enrol at the High School.
Students are able to follow their pathway to university or TAFE through a broad curriculum offered at the school as well as having choices to study their home language through the Saturday School of Community Languages and/or the open high school or attend courses at TAFE.
Marrickville High School reflects the vibrant, multi-faceted nature of the Marrickville community. The school community is multicultural in nature but dedicated to one aim: maximising student achievement through the delivery of quality comprehensive education for all. As a comprehensive high school, the staff are constantly improving and adjusting the delivery of the curricular and extra-curricular programs to meet the needs of students.
For more information about Marrickville High School, please feel free to contact them by visiting the Marrickville High School website, calling the number (+61 2) 9569 2444 or faxing (+61 2) 9560 3693.